Place | |
Scheduled Time | 12/26/07 12:00-13:00 8/20/07 Daily 12:00-Scheduled end time unknown |
Actual Start/End Time | 11:50-12:27 p.m. |
Instructor | Name not specified, attractive woman in her 20’s wearing a thigh length orange hula print dress with a pareau over it. One of the students mentioned that there are 4 different instructors and that today’s instructor was the only one that speaks Japanese |
Cost | FREE |
# of Students | 13 |
Procedure | None |
Language Spoken | Japanese, basic English (good for you, any questions, one more time) |
Student Attire | Up to you, one woman wore a pareau |
Student Type | 11 Asian visitors, 1 mainland visitor Many students were either 1st time dancers or returning to learn the rest of the song All female |
Break Time | None, but class seemed to end a little early because some students were too tired |
Type of Dance | Tahitian |
Hip | 6 hip movements learned: including tiare, box, double bump, figure 8. Prior to hip movements, instructor went over feet placement in a “V” shape |
Fingers | N/A |
Hands | Taught hip movements for 20 minutes then added hands |
Facial Expression | Instructor smiled continuously |
Error Correction | N/A |
Instruments Used to Lead Class | CD of Tahitian beats |
Pace | Went over the entire song 2x |
Recommended for | Entertainment purposes Intermediate students or for the first time learner who just wants to experience Tahitian and is not worried about not memorizing the whole song |
Materials Offered | N/A |
Interesting Side Notes | Rotated lines after every new segment learned |
Date Observed | 2/2/07 |
Friday, February 02, 2007
Waikiki Shopping Plaza Tahitian
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The review for the tahitian class in the Waikiki Shopping Plaza is very accurate.
Even though the flyers say the class is supposed to run from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. My class barely ran over 40 minutes. The instructor was very attractive as described and smiled continuously.
She gave instructions in Japanese and a few of the non-Japanese speakers were confused. The instructor tried to help them but had difficulty understanding still.
The drum beat was simple and easy to follow along with. Some had difficulty staying on beat even though the instructor counted it out.
She used the correct tahitian terminology for some of the hip movements and some see didn't
For example:
Tahitian- Tairi, fa'arapu, tiare (actually the nu'u)
Non-tahitian- Figure 8, box.
Like the review states, this is for entertain purposes only. It's good for excercise and to learn the basics of tahitian hip movements. Not recommended for serious dancers trying to learn the meaning of Tahitian dances.
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